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The future looks bright.

2007-11-01  ^:
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(00°C -- 99°C)
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no news
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2007-11-02  ^:
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(00°C -- 99°C)
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Is this the new cutting of the Mac-OSX link? Will this open the door for Mac clones?
Well, it's unlikely to open the market for new Mac-clones, but it vritualy () makes every existing PC a mac clone. I think MS is in trouble. OK, it's been in trouble for years with the bloated, buggy spyware (aka Windows) but it could easily hold off Linux on the percieved grounds that it's just an amateur mix of incompatible crap. It can't use these arguments against OS-X.
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Being screwed by hardware is never funny.
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NASA problems. I always wondered how this reverse origami never got messed up.
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IEEE delays again. I don't think powerline networking is a going to develop and compete against phoneline and cable distribution. Not in Europe anyway, it's different in the US where cable and phone are regulated differently. The main advantage of powerline networking is in distributing networking trough old buildings without the need to break-up the building for new cables. Wireless is the best option for doing that but it sometimes has problems penetrating walls and, especially ceilings and floors. One of the things my brother is looking for is a system with a wireless router on tyhe groundfloor and another one on the first floor linked by a cable, but he is not willing to pull a new cable trough walls and floors.
Of coures he wants it now, not in ten years time.
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2007-11-03  ^:
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(00°C -- 99°C)
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no news
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2007-11-04  ^:
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2007-11-05  ^:
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Robot cars aren't ready for trafic yet. And while it's fun to make cars drive automatically I don't think that's the way robotics is going. If you look at the robotics scene it's clear that the Japanese are a lot further down the road and not because they have a rich military department funding the research and development.
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Privacy is a thorny issue. Even if you got privacy, which the governement will deny at any and every turn, you got to take care of it. Taking the governemt stance here strictly you only have privacy if you talk to yourself. Cause in every other type of conversation you grant privazcy rights to at at least one other party and that is enough for the gov to include itself.
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New PS2 models? Yes, cheaper and smaller and better end ... but WTF are they still doing PS2 while they hev the PS3 to promote?
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Dang, why doesn't it ever happen to me. Buying one and getting five. ...
Well, not with whole PCs, I once got that with harddisks at a bacnkruption liquidation sale, I got 6 2.5 inch 120GB drives in stead of the expected single external 120GB disk.

2007-11-06  ^:
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MS Home server is an interesting product (if you are a fish in the MS pond). But they are asking you to buy now and only receive the goods next month. Which is complete bonkers if you ask me. The hardware isn't special at first sight, just a low end pc, so there is noting there that warants the extra wait. So it must be the OS. Now, this is MS we are talking about, if that isn't ready today it probably won't be ready next month. Or next year. So if they delover next month you have payed upfront for an unfinished product. ... Great opportunity.
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I think this Cray box would be a better home server. ^_^
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P2P music sharing doesn't kill CD sales. Music to some, a false not to others.
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I don't think a SSD disk is on the menu for most laptops. But for rugged and smaller (=smaller battery) devices it may be worthwhile.
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2007-11-07  ^:
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Apple firewall walls off to much.
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It,s about freeking time the BIOS grows up. And Who cares that Phoenix does what MS should have done ten years ago. OK, maybe we should be happy MS didn't do it cause now it probably works as it should.
It would have been simple for MS. Just add a bit of DOS and a few DOS-apps and start them in stead of the big ugly logo while the rest of Windows starts up. But that is too simple and logical an idea for them.
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Giving the internet another root address sounds scarry. And I can immagine someone with rather sweathy palms turning the switch.
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2007-11-08  ^:
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IBM P6 blade. Nice toy. Nice price (for IBM)
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Locking the XBox? Is MS afraid to sell to many? Bha, when your XBox time is up you just switch over to your PS2/3 or Wii.
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Yep, the internet is great. Especially in India.
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China will be up there. Not tomorrow but pretty soon and likely overtaking the US at that time.
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Next up a full capable PS2 -portable, PSP2? It wouldn't surprise me that they are massaging up the market preparing it to regular -yearly- updates of it's consoles. Basically the console market is moving to saturation and in a replacement market it's important to bring regular -minor- schanges

2007-11-09  ^:
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Of course, if you encrypt you are doing something illegal.
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ha, yes, the Itanium still exists.
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AMD also keeps pushing on with it's high end stuff. Nope, not Opterons but graphical beasts.
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You can't say thos Sony notebooks are dull beige PSs

2007-11-10  ^:
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2007-11-11  ^:
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2007-11-12  ^:
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Intel comming out with new chips. No big deal. Except they are fast and will probably scale better than the current line. They are not setting the world on fire but AMD will feel the heat.
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1914-18 is long gone but still new sources crop up. Just like we still dig up old shells in our fields
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Ha, the PET. I never owned one and by the time I got to use one, in the early eighties, the C64 was getting old and I played with the first PCs that came around. No wonder I was not impressed then.
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These Iomega are nice. But this eGo stuff is over the top. Sure it works fine, is fast and capactious. But it's realy out of place next to a an open, hacked PS or a Mac. It looks more suited for a spot on a terndy bar or nightclub.

2007-11-13  ^:
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MS fot-video sharing? Nah, they's have to buy some company doing it now and woing it righ.
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eBay floundering. And blaming users for some of the problems at that.
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Is that a joly Chinese dragon on your drive or did you just boufgt a bugged disk?
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Beware of Jars. They could be JarJar Links ....
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No Star Wars or Star Treky games here. Warp drive is on the radar.
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Powerline-Web. It is getting faster and more intersting to push data over powerlines. I remain unconvinced it will grab enough market here in Europe but it opens posibilities for places with a less extensive infrastructure. And even here it could form a good backup strategy.
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Refurbish-Windows? I bet MS bots found out many companies are selling off defunct but still prety good computers without Windows. So the sniff a market and jump at it. But I suppose that most companies selling off old hardware are either selling it naked or with a free copy of Linux on it.
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Some light shedded on dark matter.

2007-11-14  ^:
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Oops, supercomputing without power. Most likely some nerd needed that plug for his coffe machine ... ^_^
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Aparently the only random stuff in Windows is the BSOD. Certainly the random number generator isn't. And who wants predictable encryption keys?
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Happy Birthday to Open source Java. The curious thing is that making it open source hasn't changed the Java landscape much.

2007-11-15  ^:
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The Apple TV has it's advantages. OK, you could do that with any Mac (or PC) but the Apple TV box is small and cheap enough. BTW, I am surprised about the number of digital formats used in theathers.
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New faster Radeons, good for AMD. Now if they get good Linux drivers for these beasts ....
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Hand over the keys please. Yep, they pick up your pc and months later ask you for encrytion keys. Nice police tactics to get anybody behind bars, They steal your PC, find nothing, put some encryped files on it, faking the file date, then demand your key which you obviously cannot provide. Mission completed.
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In typical MS style they are comming very late to the HPC party. With a full "embrace and enhace" message.
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And they are up against Red Hat.
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Hadn't heard the term 'Bubblewrap children'. But overprotection does run rampant for sure, keeping kids safe.

2007-11-16  ^:
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A monopoly is a handy thing to have. Sure there are other mainframemakers, but how many.
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IBM Blue Cloud. Sounds interesting
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The pricecut on PS3 comes just in time for the buying-season.
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Finaly some good news from Ariane. With the Rusians lounching cheaply things had become rather silent around ESA's platform.
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Singnapore is not turning into a Signaprone.
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The Assus EeePc is a near perfect notebook form a portability point of view. Upping the memory will make uit even better. Going for e 10" display (and even more storage) would make it about perfect. Anything bigger and it gets unwieldy and heavy. You got to remember a bigger screen needs a bigger battery just to run as far.
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Mobile connectivity, via GSM, on notebooks is indeed highly wanted. It would mean you can get access to the world anywhere, anytime. Of course some intelligence is needed so that you would automaticaly swap for the GSM to faster WiFi when you get in range of a hot-spot. And I guess billing would be a problem to.

2007-11-17  ^:
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2007-11-18  ^:
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2007-11-19  ^:
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Ha, yes, veteran days. Remember the good old days. (notice there is no version numbner on MSDOS ^_^)
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EeePc ... just for comparison ...
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It doesn't happen often that a comet flares up like this.
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Yes, the history lesson continues. With the 4004.
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Soli-State disks are nice. And at 1.6TB large enough and fast enough to beat any clasic drive. I am pretty sure the price will beat any clasic drive as well.
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Linux? Yep, not just customised for the EeePc but now preloaded on Shuttle boxes. I suppose next year you'll be able to choose you OS in most computer shops.
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Sony should check this. Nintendo has the successor ready for production well before it's supposed to take over. Good planning and good execution.
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Drunk driving is not good. So this man did at least one thing right by not driving. But putting his 13 year old at the wheel was a big mistake. And getting that kid drunk is worse than a mistake. Darwin fodder.

2007-11-20  ^:
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Managing tools for blade-servers is porbably as important as the hardware itself. And with competion hotting up that looks good. Oh, btw, there is no Microsoft to be seen in that market. Yet.
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Just over half a percent is still a lot of money of course. I suppose most meople over-estimate because they think NASA does most of the research for the military as well.
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If you're doing a BBQ you should do it right. Say you start with a whole camel.
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Sigh. I want a big phone. My fingers don't shruink and my eyes don't get sharper.
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Ialmost never mention medical stuff.

2007-11-21  ^:
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When fast isn't fast enough you add an accellerator.
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Windows file-system on Sun.
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Motion sensor play for the PS2. I wonder whether it works on the PS3 as well. And when we'll see varsions for the XBOx. Asuming Ninetendo doesn't intervene.
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Broadband isn't broad enough. Well it is for now but it isn't widening fast enough. Quite understandable when people want wmore without paying more.
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It's a nicer option than building a real wall down south. It isn't magically going to stop Mexicans comming in but it can guide patrolls. And remember, just like Sauron's devices it can keep 'merican from escaping.
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Another serious effect of global warming. Rising beer prices may shock the world into action.
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Firefox-3 sounds good. Best news is that they fixed memory leaks, which was the main reason why it never bacame my browser of choice. Just walking trough some graphics-heavy sites would slow down the browser to 286 speeds.

2007-11-22  ^:
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It sucks but it would be great for me as I always eat in front of my cpmuter.
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MD5 password cracking. Via Google. Better be carefull when using Wordpress (or other services).
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If timetravel gets trough you might be carefull when you go for a swim in those ancient sees.

2007-11-23  ^:
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Did Israel us cyber war to strike in Syria? Probably, but combined with more clasical techniques.
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Yerp, data wants to be free. And maps are nothing but data.
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It looks like Google get some silent resistence.
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The Kindle isn't a boork reader? Well it starts out as one and that may be a mistake. Unless that loa start is just to get the bugs out. A plain book reader should be ideal when you can download a book to some storage, say a USB stick or emmory card. That means tehre is ne need for power draining communication.
What the Kindle with it's communications stuff is good for is nwspapers en magazines. Though it's a bit small for that.
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Sony PSP, PS3. PlayStation Phone ... Phone Station ... Well, they could easily build in a phone in the PSP and put it squarely against the iPhone. And add a GPS. And put business software on it. And ...
but I doubt they will do that. If they go in that direction I suppose they will bring out a completely different macine. Well basicaly the same internally but with a different body en marketing.
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Healthy rivers. Yay, good news about the environment. Of course good news is bad for the Ggreens and environment-nuts so they keep it out os the news and relegate it to some nerd news services.

2007-11-24  ^:
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2007-11-25  ^:
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2007-11-26  ^:
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Bad disks? Bad drive? Bad soft-cloth? Bha, just sue.
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Zubrin is hitting right on the correct nails. But doean't give a solution.
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Not a bad move by the French even though it's not the best solution all round. Just preserving a status-quo while keeping normal users out of the fire. I know one good solution. Wipe out the destinction between right-holders and creators. The problem exists mostly becasue big companies who don't make music own the blocking right to everybody else. I think that, if we lock copyrights (and pattents) to the person creating, writing or inventing things and make them un-sellable we get rid of the problem. Then, as individual you may licence your invention/creation to others and they can use/produce/profit from it but they shouldn't be able to block anyone else that licences it from you.
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The march of the penguins. With more than 100% coverage Linux is still growing.
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Hmm. I am not using Linux. Not on a regular basis. I have Windows 2000 on my main system and I don't play around with that. The Evil you know is better then ... . But I tend to install Linux quite often (I have about 10 working computers at home) and I notice the installations have become much better over the years. There is actualy not much to improve on a standard instalation really, the lastest installations only ask for a user and password while doing all the footwork themselves. Except for that latest SuSE 10.3. I got a 17" and a 19" screen, both with a resolution of 1280 x 1024 which is about perfect for business apps. And all previous installs I tried recognise that and use it. SuSE 10.3 also recognises it and uses it but it does something wrong. On the 19" screen it uses the right resolution during install but once installed it boots into a bad setting going outside the frequency range the monitor supports. The 17" screen has a better support but there the display is stretched, it says it 1280 x 1024 but the taskbar just drops off the bottom and the right side is just off screen as well while the top left is in the correct position. It's just about 15 or 20 pixels over the edge but very annoying that the window-close and OK buttons fall off the screen. It is usable but .... Changing to 1024 x 789 works but it's not the native resolution (which produces a bad immage on LCD) and a waste of capacity really. The previosu SuSE I tried (10.1) worked without that problem I haven't got a clue of how to correct it. .

2007-11-27  ^:
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No cheating.
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Adds on DVDs seem silly. And they will never provide much return. And it's probably goint to be added to the DRM arsenal. Killing off the DVD as movie and entertainment medium even faster.
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Intel is again following AMD's lead. But playing much closer now and with their superior fabrication technology they will probably beat AMD befor it can make a profit.
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Things turn. Rusia is now investing again in space technology while just a couple of years ago all it's programs were dead in the water, and it's facilities barely surviving on cheap launces for other countries.
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China's moves into space are interesting. Probably the main drive after the Russian renewed interst. The interesting thing about the Chinese program is that it's pretty silent. Sure they are celebrating the success but they act as if it's nothing realy special, just busines as usual.
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2007-11-28  ^:
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Dell feels that the growth has fazllen out of the market. So they have to look in different directions to keep the sales rolling.
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Probably to go with the GDrive. Storing all your data on-line. Sounds good. If you don't care about privacy.
Remember that "free" doesn't exist in a business world. What Google means by saying it will be free is rather that you won't see the cost. At first.
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Freshly ground Java on the Apple. Got to watch this cause at wurk we are switching to Java.
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Toshiba and NEC getting together to fab chips. The way costs are swininging up I expect it won't be long before everybody has to join to get things moving.
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They may be dead for some time now but dinos still affect us.
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Full scale robot missions aren't for tomorrow yet. Getting these things bug free will be an interesting journey. Flying on Windows?
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BlueRay v HD seems to be a finishing game in Europe with BlueRay winning.

2007-11-29  ^:
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One court-order per chiled. Probably added to the OLPC manual.
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Trafic break down.
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The end is near for SCO.
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Ms supporting PSI. Think running your mainframe on Windows ...

2007-11-30  ^:
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The local Telephone company, the old monopoly -which still owns the copper-, decided to drop classic dial-up connections. They sell ADSL for years and in diverse capacities and the dial-up part of the market has been shrinking fast. It will offere an extra scheap, low capacity ADSL by the end of the year and start phasing out it's dial-up links. It still allows other ISPs to provide dial-up but they will have to maintain the hardware.
It claims that the number of dial-up clients has dropped to around 50.000 and that it isn't cost-effective to keep the infrastructure running. Now I can understand they don't invest in new hardware but I don't beleive it's suddenly to expensive to keep running. Unless they need the space in their data and connection centers for more and new stuff which is what I suspect as they are now providing television over the phone line. Probably replacing racks of old modems with racks of new tervers and disks.
Still the move signals an end of an era.
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?? The Swedish anti-copyright site .... Hello guys, Pirate Bay is not an anti-copyright site. Sure they are against DRM stuff and against current day repressive copyright law.
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ZUN. Z-System running Solaris. So you can nor run Windows, Solaris and Linux on your IBM mainframe. It's just waiting for Apple now.
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Going to Mars in 2030 ... I think the space-race with the Chinese needs to hot up a bit more before the NASA gets moving fast enough to hit that deadline. And the budget will be overrun, but that is nothing new.
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Pilots trashing about and fearing for their wings. They have a point, commanding a plane is not somthing you mput into the hands of an untrained person. But that person doesn't need to be a full licenced pilot.
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Screw charity!! No really.
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Three cores on a chip are better than two. It provides WMD with a nice spread of perfromance and power being able to sell anthing from one to four cores. It probably increases yealds as well cause at the moment AMD has a problem with their four-core chips, having to dump them if one core has a defect.

2007-11-31  ^:
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A day you don't learn something is a wasted day.

A day you don't teach something is a lost day.

© Svenson 2007.