

you are being watched!!


To be a "Daynoter" requires many talents. Not all of them can be learned on a short course or in a 'school'. Indeed most of skils are learned away from the keyboard. Real life is the teacher who learns us our skills. Real life is also the judge, sifting out the chaf and molding the characters and ultimately forging the personalities that make it to the ultimate level. It is real live that creates daynoters.

And the one web binds us togther into a comunity.

There are no formal 'entry rules' to enter the comunity. There is of course an acceptance ritual <G>
The daynote gang is a community of people with overlapping interests. It is not a secret society or a club but more an organic fabric. A group of People connected by a web. And caught in that same web. Anyone wanting to enter that comunity will have to integrate into it just in the same way he or she would integrate into a comunity after moving to another town.

The main binding force among the daynoters is the willingness to communicate. Communication is 90% listening and 10% expression. Notice that this is the complete 100%, there is no space for going futher than argumentation.


Some rules apply :

  • You don't become a 'member' of the daynote gang because you want to. You become a member by communicating and by being accepted.
  • No one becomes a daynoter over-night. It requires a lot of nights.
  • Because nobody gets voted in, nobody gets voted out. (The "once a daynoter, always a daynoter" principle.)
  • Being a daynoter does require day-notes (postings on a web-site). They don't have to be daily. They only have to be periodic and interesting. (Posting is only one way of communication.)
  • Daynoting is a dicipline. It is not and should never become a burden. "Radio silence" is acceptable (not prefered but accepted).
  • There is no "boss" or "master" among the daynote gang. Complaints are to be made to all or none. Request are to be made to all or none.
  • "We do this so that you ... can do likewise.
  • Daynoters are basically scientists. That means we may assume things and may be convinced of things but we know that nothing is fixed. (E=mc2, untill proven different. Proof is accepted)
  • A daynoter must know how to <g>
  • The backchannel is to be treated like a pub. It is virtual but you should behave as if you were face to face, within reach. And you should pay a beer from time to time.
  • A daynoter must know how to shoot a gun ...
    ... the only guns allowed are snerf guns that shoot both ways.

These are the guidelines we work with.

[ Who's next <g> ]


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Copyright © 2001 The Daynotes Gang
Last modified: 2001/01/01