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Week 28, 1999 ,Svenson


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This is the past





Ronny is on holiday for the next two weeks so I have to hold the fort alone.

I passed on the Swedish problem to the OFI team. Well I tried to but they are all on holiday until the 26th. Luckily the Swedes are on holiday to until the 2nd of August, except Bo of course <g> . So the problem wil not come to a boil and can be shelved.

I dug out some potatoes to check on them because the plants have all wilted. And it is high time to dig them all out. The soil is dry and the potatoes have come loos from the roots which is an indication the they are ready. It has been generally dry for the last few weeks with only a few light patches of rain except last weekend when it rained really hard. That hard rain did strike the ground with considerable force but it didn't penetrate more than a few centimetres. The result is that the potatoes that were close to the surface got hammered hard end soakingly wet while those just slightly deeper stayed dry and safe. Now those top potatoes are rotting on the side that got hammered. For people that don't know a thing about potatoes it may sound strange that they should be rotting in the ground while it has been bakingly dry the whole week but such is life. If you see this you start to understand that farmers are always grumbling about the weather.
They have reason.






It remains to hot to work and to hot to sleep. Especially my father is getting breathing problems with his asthma.

Oeps, I uploaded and only spell checked afterwards. And of course there was the regular amount of errors. My apologies for them. I will repost this evening.

And I notice that the upload didn't work out as expected. I added a link to Moshe Bar's site on my Index pages and uploaded it just like the calendar and week pages. I was in a hurry so I just dragged them over and let CuteFTP overwrite the existing pages with the updated version. For the 199927.htm page this worked (the "This is the current week" changed to "This is the past") for thisweek.html and 199928.html it worked as well. For the index.html it didn't work. There were no error messages on the CuteFTP progress window.     Mystery.

I drop the Price Conditions problem because the Financial Period research got a higher priority. And between the lines we are working out a problem/release handling procedure.

I dug up another bucket full of potatoes. I do this one bucket at a time because after digging we wash the dirt off and then let them dry before storing them in low crates. As we do this quite late and they require about an hour to dry there is only time for one bucket. When digging up the potatoes at my brothers lot we can do it at four bucket at a time because that will happen in the weekend so we can start immediately after lunch.

We have a government. In fact we have four governments, one for each community and one federal. All the mayor parties are in except the CVP (Christen Democrats) and a few smaller parties. And of course the extreme right Vlaams Blok. The king signed the list of ministers yesterday and the ministers were sworn in. Today was mainly spent on explaining the actual plans for the immediate and intermediate future. Tomorrow they can start to work.

I connected my local site and my published site on a few spots. Some parts will remain on my local disk and some other parts remain in the office network. I was getting confused however because the index page on the web and the local index page look almost the same but the links work differently and there was no way worth of typing in the URL to go from local to web and back. The result will be some links that seem to be broken for web visitors. I must find a way to mark these links so user will know they are not accidentally broken.

The temperature dropped just a few degrees this evening but it feels much better although it still is to humid. Yet it is cooler so we will sleep better.






Warm and humid with a monsoon like sky. And a monsoon like downpour at about 10 o'clock. Either the weather gods are playing dice or the continent drift has gone berserk.

I about finished the financial period research and spent the afternoon reorganising the online documentation. Lost time in a sense but I think it is now organised in stead of an ad hoc collection of HTML pages.

The evening was spent on paying bills and organising invoices. Something like Jerry's locusts

locust n. African or Asian grasshopper migrating in swarms and consuming all vegetation. [Latin locusta locust, *lobster] (Pocket Oxford Dictionary)

I somehow lost the gremlin at the bottom of external link page yesterday. I checked just before uploading again this evening and I can see the file.







I started to regularly check my site with Opera, Netscape and MSIE and the more I check the more difference I see.
Ex on my external links page. There are two <BODY > statements each with a different background. I know this is some kind of an HTML error but Opera and Netscape use the first body and ignore the second one while MSIE does the reverse (MS habit) and uses the last one. The lines [ <HR> ] in Opera and Netscape don't support a color keyword but show the background colour trough (same for table borders), that is one of the reasons I use both a background colour and a background image. MSIE on the other hand supports the color keyword and does not show the background colour trough, even if no colour is specified. The steel background image is about 2 by 2 cm while the gremlin (copied from Jerry Pournelle) at the bottom is just a bit higher. In Netscape the background fills the whole background, in Opera however the bottom of the devil cancels out the background unless you scroll up and down again. Opera doesn't seem to understand the <DL> <DT> tags.

All this while I taught that using HTML would save me from incompatible file formats.

It is an ideal solution, in principle But principles are not supported in this world.

The map doesn't show up from the lair page. Either Cairn is not on then server or it is named wrong. Again something to check. If I had known a site sucked that much time I'd never started it.

I had to dig up the remaining potatoes in a hurry. With the rain of the last few days the soil is getting wet again and the potatoes start to rot faster. Now they are out and drying. Tomorrow, after a check, they go down to the basement for storage. In all it is just four small crates, hardly enough to last till those on my brothers lot get harvested.

My brother had a problem with Windows. He still has a lot of old DOS games on diskettes which he used to play on his old Tandy or Toshiba.







The Americans found a problem in one of the TeleSales routines (new related order). When we do this here we get the same problem, consistently. However Peter can perform the routine without problem when he logs on to the German database. The mystery is that the same programs objects are used and only the database files are different. I spent almost the whole day on it and I haven't found it yet. Maybe it is the effect of some form of transaction logging. It is something in the w-ohol2.w or a related procedure.

And they have a problem with a font (font27 in d-cred-appr.w). the font is not registered in the expected key in the registry so the application doesn't find it. This was (relative) easy to find.

TeleSales really is fun if you don't know Progress.

We had ray this evening and in stead of boiling them I baked them which turned out easier than cooking. Suzan made a sauce with shrimps, mushrooms and tomatoes. Most of the liquid got boiled off but it was delicious. Especially with a baguette and a bottle of Spanish white wine.

I didn't touch my computer afterwards.







It is going to be a hot day according to the KMI (Koninklijke Meteorologisch Instituut )(Royal Meteorological institute)

Father is going on vacation again till Monday so my shopping became a food gathering trip.

I renewed my subscription with EuroNet (my ISP) but I selected the non-office hours option. That means access only between 18h00 to 08h00 but at less than half the price (2.499,-BEF yearly). Accessing the web outside these hours is still possible but then it costs about 3 BEF per minute (BTW 1 Belgian Frank = 39.47856 US Dollar today). The reasoning is that I am only at home between (approximately) 19h00 and 6h20 during the week and in the weekends I think it will not be to difficult to restrict myself to evening hours. There are enough other things to do. Once I get ISDN or Cable I will reconsider.

Once home I posted the daybook pages of the last two days. I hadn't reached the attic and until I get the cabling here laid out conveniently posting will remain a problem.

I also ordered a new case for the Linux box. The original idea was to put Linux on Hinja and I actually installed it on her but then I needed a box with Win98 and I had none to spare so Hinja converted to Win98. Consequentially I don't have Linux running now although I have all the components for a new box except the box and the power supply. It should arrive next week.
Now, where did I lay that box with Patience pills :~)

I have been working on the attic most of the afternoon and I feel baked (39°C). Time to boot up the barbecue I guess. Now should I use Charcoal NT or Charcoal 98 ?







The barbecue yesterday was way to late with far to much food and I overdid the wine a bit as well. Result I went running a 7h00 with a bit of a headache and a heavy stomach. All went well after all but I did cut the distance back to 4Km.

After breakfast I went to Peters lot to re-spray the potatoes which suffer from a sort of leas disease. When I arrived I noticed I had forgotten the key so I went back. I lost quite some time and the potatoes don't look good at all. I probably have to dig them out a month earlier than planned.

Then I cleaned the house. Not a 'Thomson deep clean', just a quick take and only the kitchen got scrubbed thoroughly. It did cost most of the day. The KMI just announced, on the 12 o'clock news that the temperature may get as high as 31°C. Heck, it is already 34°C here. Except on the attic where the temperature is now 37°C. I am staying down.

After my regular Sunday bath I started the barbecue to make sure I wouldn't be as late as yesterday. The whole afternoon I have had the company of two black tits bathing in a water dish and picking at the old bread clumps I laid out for them. Every time I passed they hopped, frightened, to the Cherry tree, but flitting back the moment I was more than a few meter off. then while tending the roasting meat and onions I get company from a young hedgehog. It is barely 7 cm (an adult measures on average twice that) and quickly sated. I fed it a few pieces of baked mushroom and after two small pieces it retired, rolling up in a ball among the ivy, for about ten minutes. And then is came back for some more. I ate just a little bit to much but is early enough so it will not weigh me down all night to cause discomfort in the mornin. I enjoyed the evening so much that I totally forgot to smoke my pipe.

I upgraded my Netscape copy on Hinja from 4.1 to 4.6. Now it is the same version as the one at the office. I am (just a little bit) sorry to say that it went smooth. No problems, no hiccups, no complications. nothing to report, it just went right.



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Svenson © 1999

A day you don't learn something new is a wasted day.