Daynote ,Svenson

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MM-li     Sunday





It appears to be -0°C, there is no wind so it doesn't feel cold but there is just a touch of frost. For example on my car the front window if frosted over while the other windows are just wet with dew. Fine running conditions.

While checking the files on my sites and my local copies I found stray graphics files mixed in between the html pages. I know how this came about. I compose everything on Harper where I save everything on a Jaz disk. Most images (backgrounds etc.) are copied from Venlo and get here on a floppy, together with the html files. But Harper has no connection to the rest of the world. So I copy all the files to a floppy, climb up to the attic and copy everything to Miona. And it is probably there that I make the most mistakes by copying the whole diskette to the disk and then copying (instead of moving) the files to their intended location. Later I synchronize (about once a month) the Miona situation to the Jaz disk I use regularly on Harper (it's an external SCSI Jaz so I can pick it up and connect to any computer around here). After some months the situation has become rather confusing.
I cleared some whole directories from the iTool site and reloaded them but I am afraid it doesn't solve the problems.

I have been pruning back some shrubs in the garden this afternoon, taking advantage of the fair weather. And I made some photographs. Which I am not going to post yet. Once I get my site cleaned up however I'll put them on show.


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Svenson © 1999

You may be done with the past, but the past isn't done with you.