Daynote ,Svenson

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MM-c     Sunday





High clouds have kept the temperature from dipping too low. The cloud retreats for yet another bright day, there remains however a chill wind so while the thermometer goes up all the way to 20°C it doesn't feel that way.

I did the laundry and later have a lot of problems keeping it on the wire for drying. Luckily the drying is fast with all that wind and sunshine.

And I spent the rest of the morning and a large part of the afternoon digging in my brothers garden. Digging is much easier there because there are far less weeds and no horsetails at all. His garden is bordered by other gardens while ours borders on the railroad, which is a weed highway and breeding ground.
After digging about half the garden and planting 106 potatoes I stop with a broken back and blistered hands.

The rest of the day I spend pruning some more. it is a bit late for pruning because new shoots are sprouting. I should have started at least a month earlier. There is no helping though the pruning must be done, better late than not.

I bake myself a set of small dry pizzas with bacon and chorrizo. Washed down with a ligh Chianti.

Apart from an hour for these postings and reading my mail this has been a computer less weekend. I did not post yesterday nor Friday, I just wrote it now and post it all (well all is not that much).


-- Yesterday -- This week -- Tomorrow --

Swijsen © 2000
After all you meet and kill a lot of bugs and remove a lot of weeds.