Daynote ,Svenson

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MM-cxiii     Saturday





A nice enough start of the day with temperatures rising to 25°C by noon. However clouds start to drift in and by evening we are being rained down.

Shopping but not for computer stuff. And later on I get to my brother to fetch and install his laundry drier.

He brought back the notebook. He had two problems with it. First he didn't have the power cable and so, after about three hours he was stopped. That was time enough to notice that I hadn't installed any printer drivers for his WordPerfect. The result is that his documents all look different.
Anyway, he is going to take the Toshiba back and see if it works any better now. If it doesn't he will switch over to the Fujitsu in which case he also switches over to MS Word for his text because the administration is using that. There are talks to equip all the pilots with notebooks with a DGPS (GPS augmented with a few land stations) and a wireless link (GSM?) so maybe he doesn't need the notebook anymore. He works in a government service however so this could take some time.

In the news :

The regional governement of Limburg has started to distribute (free?) chickens for use in waste disposal. The idea is that chickens can be used to (cheaply) pick out all the edible stuff from the general waste. It are chickens that have ended their productive cycle at egg farms and would be slaughtered. So far about 8000 families have requested chickens.


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