Daynote ,Svenson

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MM-cxvii     Wednesday





Clear and bright most of the day (10C rising to 23C), a bit windy but not bothersome. It does dry out the mud hole we named garden last week. Late in the afternoon high clouds drift in but it remains warm and dry.

The pressure is slacking off at work so that I can pick up a few problems I scribbled on some lose papers and backsides. I don't get to solve them yet however.
Performance problems in TeleSales have cropped up again. This time it is the Americans that report a problem with the order calculation. After a long discussion about what must be done with Jan and Theo and Peter we finally get so far that we do some timing tests. The calculation program, on the AS400, finishes in under one second. When it is called from TeleSales it takes at least 5 seconds and, generally for each additional order line added to the order two seconds get added. On top of this the VAT calculation doubles the actual time and, when releasing the order at the end of the process extra validations are added to it. The Americans reported the problem on an order with about a hundred detail lines (that is ordering a hundred items by phone, wow). That could take over 400 seconds, not the ten minutes as reported but way too long by any standard.
The delay occurs in a process that copies the internal record buffer to the AS/400 database files. This is a Progress routine where we don't have an influence. Tough.

Dan Seto will have to remove his HTML-standards compliance graphic.
On his daynote (Tuesday update) he has a closing tag ( </commercial plug> ) without a corresponding opening tag . Can't have that now can we. <G>
BTW that <G> doesn't need a closing tag, it is somewhat like <HR> or <BR>. It only accepts the style attribute like <G style="malicious">

Am I getting old? Antiquated?

I showed some young un an Intel 386 chip saying it was an "Intel 386" .
His response after a brief look : "can't be"
"They only made that speed on a slot-1, never in a socket!"

The times, they are flying.


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Swijsen © 2000
as every bird sings a different song.