Daynote ,Svenson

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MM-cxxv     Thursday





Mist and rain, nice combination, to start off the day (at 12C) but at noon the weather turns and becomes nice and sunny.

I took a day off for the inspection and maintenance of my car. My car must go to the inspection, each year after the fourth year (or after an accident) if it doesn't pass it has to be fixed and re-inspected. This inspection used to be a government service but it has been privatized with a government run complaints commission. Since the privatization blackmailing has all but disappeared but more cars are called back for re-inspection (incurs a second fee). Traditionally the inspection means a few hours queuing but this time I was the first one in. And I was out about ten minutes later, wow. And it (the car that is) requires a general maintenance (250.000KM) visit to the garage.
And that went without problems as well.
I had expected to be gone from half past seven to one or two o'clock. I got home at ten.

In the news.

The stock exchanges of London and Frankfurt will fuse to form a new single unit. It covers 53% of European transactions and will be second only to Wallstreet. NASDAC has a stake in the fusion and other European stock exchanges (Milan, ...) are expected to join as well.
The exchanges of Paris, Brussels and Amsterdam fused a few months ago to become the second biggest exchange in Europe. Between London and Frankfurt.

Harper, my main system is starting to misbehave.
Often when I close a program like Netscape or CuteHTML or Explorer the program will close seemingly normal but about a second later a GPF message for the just closed program will pop up. This used to happen once every few months but recently it is happening more often. Almost daily. I haven't lost data yet nor have I had problems with program setups but I don't feel comfortable about it.

Can processors develop BSE, or Altsheimer? Or is the disk suffering arthritis?


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Swijsen © 2000
Politics is all about creating general laws based on very specific cases.