Daynote ,Svenson

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MM-clv     Saturday





Again sunny today but with high humidity. And high temperatures, up to 29°C. The evening ends in heavy rain and heavy thunderstorms.

On the attic, directly under the roof the temperature always goes to extremes typically staying almost 10° above the outside temperature. No heating in winter means it gets down to 0°C, even running a few computers is not enough to push up the temperature. Now, with 29°C outside I measure 37°C inside.

Way too hot for computer action.

Until now.
The rain and thunderstorms are pulling down the temperature to more bearable levels. Of course thunderstorms are not as dangerous here as they are in North Carolina. I am sitting in the attic, typing away while watching the lightning and rain outside. No need to hide in the basement.


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Swijsen © 2000
Not some form of Windows protocol because it always arrived and it is fast. )