Daynote ,Svenson

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MM-cciii     Friday




The weather gives just the same slow start that it gave yesterday. And then the good weather leaves early in the afternoon. It remains dry and reasonably warm but not sunny.

We have got our National Holiday in Belgium. So I have a long weekend.

I don't however come round to installing Linux for a firewall as I intended.
First my brother comes over installing electricity on the attic.
Later I do some gardening, the peas are all harvested.
Later still Martine, my brothers other half, comes around with a bunch of old photos to be scanned and printed. Her parents have been married 40 years and she and her sisters are preparing a surprise party.


At last, I can upload to my site again. Yep is back in normal working condition. Any one who chnaged over his bookmark or portal link to my mirror ( ) can remove that extra dot again.
And the new servers are much faster. The actual uploading is just as slow thanks to the V90 modem that only uploads at V32 speeds but the responses from the server return faster.

-- Yesterday -- This week -- Tomorrow --

Swijsen © 2000

"Hey, Luke, do you know that joke of the museum that has two skeletons of Napoleon, one adult and the other as kid ?"
"No, not yet. Tell me."