Daynote ,Svenson

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MM-xxiii     Sunday





We got cool (2°C) and dry weather. Well only one short shower to brighten up the day.

I didn't think it would do me good to go running after Yesterday, so I slept in till about eight. Just in time to go to the baker for fresh breads.

Since I moved computers up to the attic I have been working without a network. To that is was intensively used before, with typically only two or three computers connected at any time. Now that Cindy (at my brothers place) seems to be behaving normally I have Oswal and Miona on the attic on a permanent basis so I wanted to connect them together. Miona had been connected to Harper before I moved it up so I had only to setup Oswal and connect them up. After vainly trying for more than an hour I gave up on Oswal. It only wanted to see itself on the network, and the Help files in Win98 are extremely helpful (a hum). They propose the obvious things (is the cable plugged in, are the settings correct (without telling what is 'correct' of course) etc. ). Digging any deeper results in a redirection to "your network manager". If everything goes right you don't need the help, if anything goes wrong the help is not really helpful. Only when I came back after dinner did I check Miona and noticed that the network card was not configured. Duh. It had been connected to Harper but after that I had experimented with Linux and only after hauling it up to the attic had I reinstalled Win98. Without networking. As I don't know what type of card is installed I will leave networking for another day.

Last week I got a cheap digital camera but I didn't try it out. In stead of playing network manager I played a bit with it.
The camera is a Trust Photocam LCD Pro, featuring a 810K CCD, a 3.5F, 5mm lens, a 44mm LCD and 4MB internal memory. It should be capable of VGA and XGA resolution photos in three quality settings. It connects via a serial or a USB cable. At a price of 12000BEF (under $350) this is not too bad, especially if you remember I got it at half that price.

So here is the first pictures.

Main desk First, my main desk and work are.

Main desk Next, we have Miona on the attic.

These pictures were taken at VGA resolution and Fine quality. More as I get to know this box better.


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