Daynote ,Svenson

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MM-xxxxi     Thursday





Strange weather, it is warmer at night than by day, with the temperature peaking on 8°C at around six-o-clock. It did remain dry till the early afternoon.

The updated posting program arrived in Belgium and Robert, the manager, called for some information about the way to correct the problem. They have a lot of missing invoices so they are not going to reset them manually but rather via a small program. So I gave him some instructions as to what the program must do. I know the programmer there so things should be OK.

Still no answer from the Germans. Theo will follow up the situation with a call tomorrow. So I will be busy with the German posting problem again. Because they didn't call I could work on the II/DR programs. As things are going I still need about five days for it. And then I can continue with the other changes for OCS-V9

When I find some interesting but lengthy stuff while surfing in the office I download it, I cannot spend all my office hours surfing. I download everything to a Zip drive so that I can take it home and read it there, normally after reading it I delete it again. Today my Zip disk got filled up. That means that I have about 50Meg of downloads to be checked. (The rest of the Zip contains a copy of my Web site and some program directories.) I think I am going to book an extra day per week for catching up. Now do I put that extra day between Saturday and Sunday? Or in some other spot in the week?

This method is not enough., BTDT.


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Svenson © 1999

It took computers about ten years to revert us back.