Daynote ,Svenson

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MM-xxxxii     Friday





Haha, it's freezing again. Not much, just -2C but there is a nice covering of ice on my car. The advantage of a cold spell is that it stays dry and we get lots of sun.

A disadvantage of the cold is that you also get icy patches on the roads.
There was no rain for the best part of the night so the roads were dry and I was driving just as fast as normal (which is under the speed limit). Until I hit a patch of ice on the ramp up to the highway. I typically take that ramp much too fast but then I like the three curves (right 90°, left 70°, right 70°) that can be taken at just over a hundred (Km/h). Yep, I take my corners at the same speed as a straight road. Did I tell you that I don't like braking?
On the first curve I slipped out just a bit on a first patch of ice. Well the road itself was clear but, to take the corner at speed I cross the white marking line and that was frosted over. These lines are about 20 centimeter wide so I didn't slip far and I kept the speed up. Well you don't brake when you just lost traction on ice.
The second curve went normal so I did hit the accelerator again. The third curve, which ends on the highway proper, had ice all over the road, not just on the sideline. I came out of it moving sideways. I was lucky that there was nobody on the highway and that it was ice free. I managed to pull the car back under control, going in the right direction.
Yea, a bit of luck, a shot of adrenaline and good reactions saved my day.
But it will be a wile before I take these corners at speed again. I think.

At work there still was no answer from Germany. I prepared a document for Theo (I did that yesterday but I couldn't find it anymore so I redid it) So we can discuss things on Monday. Probably with Jan as well.
I lost some time on that but I did spend most on the II/DR programs. Which are progressing quite nicely.


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Svenson © 1999

Most time is lost by going fast.